
Kim Schreiber

Kim Schreiber

Kim Schreiber

NeuroNav is revolutionizing the way disability services are curated for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) by offering customized, automated support plans that enhance the quality of life. With 10.8 million IDD teens and adults facing challenges like isolation, unemployment, housing issues, and limited education due to the complex landscape of adult services, NeuroNav provides a streamlined solution. Families often struggle to navigate the system and optimize Medicaid budgets, but NeuroNav alleviates logistical stress and forms long-term partnerships to support clients in achieving their goals. The company aims to effectively utilize the $84B in Medicaid funding available for IDD adults each year, capitalizing on recent government regulation changes that empower individuals through self-determination and innovative care navigation systems.

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Business 2025
Oakland, CA
pitch presentation
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