Capital Fellowship


Sarah and Hudson
Capital Fellows in a breakout discussion at a mentoring event.

The Praxis Capital Fellowship supports investors, philanthropists, and families at a strategic inflection point in their work through a cohort-based, nine-month program. The Fellowship aims to create a community of peers that build together over the long-term, joining in the work of redemptive entrepreneurship through the growth of their own vocations and the thoughtful allocation of capital.

T his program is for investors and philanthropists who have significant agency and decision-making autonomy over their funding decisions. Each year through the Capital Fellowship, a cohort of 12 Capital Fellows participants will develop peer relationships, engage with dozens of mentors, deepen their personal/spiritual formation, and advance their redemptive action as a funder.


The next cohort of the Capital Fellowship will begin in September 2025 and run through May 2026. Based on anticipated demand, Capital Fellowship seats for the next cohort will be available through a rolling, invitation-driven process that incorporates those very active in our community as well as those looking to be. We’re eager to know more about your interest and work, so please submit an interest form (or nominate someone) to be considered for the next cohort of the Capital Fellowship in 2025-2026.


What Praxis offers

During and beyond their participation in the Capital Fellowship, Praxis supports philanthropists and investors in five critical areas.

What Capital Fellows gain

You’ll strengthen the clarity and aim of your capital allocation. Fellows will enjoy high-impact discussions designed to establish greater strategic clarity and missional focus for your work as a capital allocator.

You’ll develop plans and practices to build a redemptive capital organization defined by excellence, innovation, and blessing. Fellows will refine their operational approach to meaningfully partner with entrepreneurs and peer-funders to expand the redemptive outcomes for the ventures you fund.

You’ll join a life-giving community of venture-building leaders. Fellows will join a diverse cohort of high-capacity peers, sharing in the faithful pursuit of the redemptive use of capital. You’ll be supported by the Praxis team and a tight-knit group of thinkers and mentors.

Capital Fellowship Sessions

Each Capital Fellowship event is customized to the needs of the Fellows and the expertise of participating mentors. Capital Fellowship participants will work through the Redemptive Investing and Redemptive Philanthropy playbooks, and Fellows will engage in talks, workshops, and breakouts that leverage each mentor's areas of knowledge and passion. With every component of the Capital Fellowship content—whether it’s about leadership, strategy, or execution as a redemptive philanthropist or investor—we apply best practices, share personal experiences, and push the redemptive edge of the topic.

The Capital Fellowship will apply the paradigm-shifting ideas, commitments, practices, and experiences of the redemptive frame. Sample topics include:

+ Deal structure
+ Portfolio strategy
+ Engaging entrepreneurs
+ Partnerships and collaboration 
+ Mission focus
+ Personal worth and our relationship with money
+ Opportunities for redemptive innovation and the major issues of our time
+ Impact, evaluation, and the change we seek
+ Family and interpersonal dynamics in mission-driven capital allocation

Redemptive Investing book cover
Redemptive Philanthropy book cover



Pursuing objectives through clearly articulated mission


Constructing a venture portfolio aimed to achieve long-term outcomes of our mission


Aligning financial expectations with the entrepreneurs we support


Developing partners to achieve exponential impact


Relating to entrepreneurs as a whole persons and more valuable than ventures


Cultivating a sense of worth independent from our role as a funder

A Rule of Life book cover

dynamic conversations FROM THE Rule of Life


Practicing rhythms of work & rest that sustain our energy (and our team's) over the years


Practicing simplicity & generosity to dethrone our preoccupation with wealth and possessions


Practicing limits on our consumption of media & tech to steward and refresh our creative ability


Practicing dependence on God in our discernment, rather than relying on our own autonomous wisdom


Practicing sharing rather than accumulating status and authority to generate possibility for others


Practicing presence and submitting to accountability with others who are not part of our work

Capital Fellowship Cycle

The Capital Fellowship runs from September 2025 to May 2026, anchored by intensive, multi-day, in-person events, with regular one-on-one coaching sessions with core team mentors and other small-group virtual sessions in between.  

Over the course of the program, Fellows interact personally with 30+ mentors and team members through small group discussions and one-on-ones.

Fellows also benefit deeply from the experiences of their peers. They encourage and challenge one another, engage in problem-solving sessions on key issues, and introduce one another to their own networks.

During the Redemptive Imagination Summit in May, Fellows close their program year by presenting their redemptive commitments to their Capital Fellowship cohort during a Summit pre-conference.

January 17, 2025


April 15-June 15, 2025


Coaching Sessions

September 30-October 4, 2025


New York

February, 2026


San Francisco, CA

May, 2026

Summit &

Napa, CA

Active Community Participation

Johnmark Oudersluys
The Praxis community broadens and challenges my perspective while simultaneously rooting my identity as a steward of God's call for our organization's mission. It's given me handles and frameworks to the concept of redemptive entrepreneurship, as well as strategy, tools, and tactics that have directly affected our work.

Johnmark Oudersluys

Executive Director, CityLink Center

2015 Nonprofit Accelerator Fellow

David Araya
The Praxis team is invested in your redemptive work, yet one of the greatest attributes is their personal investment in you as a child of God. I have incorporated many practices from the Rule of Life for Redemptive Entrepreneurs, although the most important for me has been the active practice of a Sabbath.

David Araya

CEO / Co-Founder, HoPe (Hispanic Organization Promoting Education)

2017 Nonprofit Accelerator Fellow

Victor Boutros
As a leader of a growing organization, I wasn't sure if the Praxis Accelerator would be worth the investment. But it turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made as a leader. Every time I attend a Praxis event, I leave feeling inspired, connected, and rejuvenated ... and taking away concrete ideas and relationships that actually advance my work and life. Don't wait! The work and life that you've been given are too important to delay receiving the gifts that Praxis has to grow you.

Victor Boutros

CEO, Human Trafficking Institute

2016 Nonprofit Accelerator Fellow

Vivian Long
Praxis' redemptive framework challenges and encourages me to reshape my decision-making in a way that no longer orients me at the center of my choices but to sacrificially put others first, reflecting Christ's love for us. I am humbled to be part of the Praxis community and grateful for the opportunities to collaborate with Christ-followers committed to the same calling of restorative life and work.

Vivian Long

Executive Director, Long Family Foundation

Nonprofit Accelerator Mentor

Kelly Lyndgaard
It felt like I had come home. Praxis is the community I had been looking for my whole life.

Kelly Lyndgaard

Founder/CEO, Unshattered

Peter Greer
God is at work through Praxis and its ventures. I know of no movement today that is restoring culture so deeply, through common commitments and willingness to sacrifice on behalf of others. It is a picture of unity, faith in action, and a commitment to excellence.

Peter Greer

CEO, HOPE International

Nonprofit Accelerator Mentor

Olatunde Sobomehin
Praxis has been life-changing. Not only have I gained new practices of discernment and a new vision for how my wife and I can aspire to live, but our strategic model for our organization has drastically improved. Our lives and our work now demonstrate more of God's glory!

Olatunde Sobomehin

Co-Founder & CEO , StreetCode Academy

2021 Nonprofit Accelerator Fellow

Capital Fellowship Community

who should apply?

We select investors & philanthropists that are:

  • Are at a strategic inflection point in their investing and/or philanthropy
  • Have significant agency and decision-making autonomy over their funding decisions
  • Aiming to embody the gospel through a redemptive approach to capital allocation
  • Humble and teachable, with a passion for excellence
  • Seeking an accountable community to grow together in faith

A note on our faith commitment: As a Christian community, Praxis finds its theological identity most clearly stated in the Lausanne Covenant (1974) and the Cape Town Commitment (2010). All Praxis staff and program participants are asked to affirm The Apostles’ Creed as a statement of their own beliefs.

next steps


The next cohort of the Capital Fellowship will begin in September 2025 and run through May 2026. Based on anticipated demand, Capital Fellowship seats for the next cohort will be available through a rolling, invitation-driven process that incorporates those very active in our community as well as those looking to be. We’re eager to know more about your interest and work, so please submit an interest form (or nominate someone) to be considered for the next cohort of the Capital Fellowship in 2025-2026.



ADDITIONAL SEAT (for additional member of capital team) — $4,000

The fee includes all food and accommodations for roughly 10 days at the three in-person events, plus program materials and access to all the elements described above. Due to program size and venue commitments, if for any reason a Fellow cannot participate in a portion of the program, the fees are nonrefundable (even in extenuating circumstances).