Praxis is a venture-building ecosystem with a redemptive imagination1, supporting founders, funders, and innovators2 motivated by their faith3 to address the major issues of our time4.

The Future of Culture

The world we'll live in tomorrow will largely be shaped by the imagination of today’s entrepreneurs. Yet not all of that cultural influence is leading to healthy lives or positive social impact today. The world needs entrepreneurs and builders who follow an alternative script of purpose, success, and human flourishing.

Our Opportunity

Entrepreneurs who are spiritually serious, culturally astute, and in community can be winsome witnesses for the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Christian gospel—through their leadership behavior and in the products, services, brands, and organizations they build.

The Future of the Church

The Church is in an age of crisis. Yet we can be optimistic about our public witness and our ability to engage the next generation in the faith. Both will depend on the praxis—the faith in action—of Christ-followers who are committed to love and serve their neighbors. This includes entrepreneurs and builders of ventures of every size, structure, and sector.


Our quest at Praxis is to reawaken the Church’s creative and prophetic contribution on the major issues of our time.

What do we mean by “creative and prophetic”? As human beings we’re designed to make something of the world—to turn the raw material of creation into culture. When we make new organizations, products, brands, models, partnerships, processes, relationships, and expressions that in turn create possibility and opportunity for others—we’re being creative.  

As the Church, our prophetic task is to show and tell the truth about the world—to bear witness to the story of God’s holy purposes for the world he loves. This involves word and action, consolation and confrontation, invitation and resistance.

How will we contribute? We believe redemptive entrepreneurs should work on the major issues of our time—areas where redemptive innovation could be profoundly good news for our neighbors. OurOpportunities for Redemptive Imagination (ORIs) act as a creative agenda for our work as a community, as well as an invitation to all builders with a similar imagination.

Our motivation

In the Praxis community we see our entrepreneurial work as a deep expression of vocation and service.

We believe that God created humanity in his image—so even though we are more frail and proud than we are willing to admit, we are more loved and worthy than we can imagine.

Likewise, nature and culture were created very good by God, have become distorted through selfishness, and cry out for healing—yet they cannot be put fully right through human efforts alone.

In fact, putting the world right—bringing about personal, spiritual, social, cultural, and environmental healing and restoration—is God’s loving and glorious purpose in the world he created. As people loved through grace, we are called to love God and neighbor by joining him in the renewal of all things.

We believe this can be good news to our friends, neighbors, customers, and colleagues who do not share our faith. We are convinced that a radical commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ is the best starting point for entrepreneurial work that leaves the world a more equitable, humanizing place—and is a powerful witness of our faith in action.

Praxis team eating outside

whAT we DO

We offer formative programs for founders, funders, and innovators—and support their entrepreneurial work through venture-building expertise, community engagement, aligned capital, and imaginative content.


Our work often begins with founders and senior teams of early-stage, privately-held businesses and nonprofits. Their unique vision, ambition, and risk tolerance—formed in accountable community—lead to outsized redemptive possibility.


Investors and philanthropists are involved in Praxis because enterprising funders—through their imagination, discernment, and practices—have a profound influence on what gets built, how it's built, and how founders are formed.


Everyone who helps build new ventures or offerings and bring them into the world—whether through startups or established organizations, whether rising or established leaders—needs formation in redemptive mindsets and practices.


our model

Our "venture-building ecosystem" integrates several elements:

A global venture Portfolio of redemptive businesses and nonprofits, formed through highly selective, long-term programs

Imaginative content-rich experiences that help entrepreneurs form vision, develop practices, frame issues, and build organizations

A community of redemptive entrepreneurs gathering locally, globally, and virtually to support one another and pursue the redemptive way together

Relational engagement of values-aligned, thesis-driven, entrepreneurial capital into the Portfolio and the world

A nonprofit organization headquartered in NYC, guiding and supporting the community’s energy through all of the above

Two men smiling and talking

Our Impact — Ventures

Portfolio Growth & Health

Each year, through our Business and Nonprofit Accelerator programs, we add 24 redemptive ventures to our Portfolio. These results reflect the Portfolio's growth from inception in 2012 to 2024.


Active business and nonprofit Ventures


Countries of venture operations


as of 2023


Total annual Revenue (fy2023) of ventures


Survival Rate of  ventures (INCL. ACQUISITIONS)


capital placed in  ventures by Praxis communitY
Two people sitting in a board room

Our Impact — community

Leader Formation & Support

Through our Labs and Academy initiatives, we help founders, funders, and innovators to pursue redemptive entrepreneurship through local ecosystem gatherings and shared learning experiences.


trained labs leads


labs cities in
18 countries around the world


reached with frame experiences in those cities


academy participants to date (since 2014)
A woman reading about Redemptive Strategy

Our Impact — Content

Reach & Engagement

Our long-term vision is to make redemptive entrepreneurship commonplace among Christians; this includes reaching leaders beyond our direct community with formative ideas and content.


pRINT books distributed


reads and listens of our DIGITAL content


Praxis Course Participants


workshop & dinner participants

Our Team