
Aeron Sullivan

Aeron Sullivan

Aeron Sullivan
Carlos Arnero

Carlos Arnero

Carlos Arnero
Pangea is Building Embeddable FX Infrastructure for the Borderless Economy of the Future. Aeron discovered the problem at BibleProject. In 2021, Pangea began solving the FX problem for SMEs and Nonprofits, but quickly realized the underlying infrastructure everyone was building on wasn't going to fill the gap. All companies engaged in global trade, from innovative platforms like Airbnb to finance giants like Stripe, rely on the (FX) market facilitated by the Interbank System. This is the root problem. The Interbank’s fundamental structural deficiencies—legacy technology, derivatives, and capital market model—can’t meet the demands of an internet economy or digital currency native world. Pangea aims to to disintermediate, unify, and consolidate the global FX market. We do this through fundamentally new FX infrastructure that vertically integrates a modern API, AI augmented derivatives, and digital capital markets

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Business 2023
San Francisco, CA
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